Since 2011, we have been helping people to achieve industry recognised, accredited qualifications that increase their knowledge and boost their career prospects. We also work with organisations and businesses to help them to not merely comply with legislation, but to increase efficiency, enhance their reputation and achieve best practice standards. We deliver NEbOSH and IOSH classroom-based courses in health and safety (and related topics) and we also offer personalised consultancy support for businesses and organisations who want to get health and safety right, but probably either don't have an in-house health and safety manager, or who need additional support. We seek to work collaboratively with our clients. A common word that's used these days is 'outsourcing', but that's not what we do. For a business to really succeed with it, health and safety must become an integral part of the business, reflected in the everyday actions, decisions and behaviours of everyone involved. We simply don't believe that outsourcing health and safety is possible. Instead, we want our clients to see us as a valuable source of advice, guidance and re-assurance. To be called upon whenever needed to offer common sense solutions, distil and interpret health and safety legislation and cut through the red tape and bureaucracy that often surrounds this area of business and industry.