Here at Candy Management Consultants Limited we take ISO consultancy and Certification seriously. Our aim is to help you succeed in gaining certification. Our Director Anthony Cooper's, reputation for making organisations stand out was established in 2010, starting as a specialist in ISO certification schemes and then moving to be a fully qualified IRCA Lead Auditor In 2011 and helping business achieve UKAS accreditation with some of the leading UK Accreditation bodies, Today Anthony is one of the most qualified Consultants in the industry with an 100% Success rate and with excess of well over 300 clients to his name over the years. Certification benefits organisations because it helps them to establish standards and improve their performance. It promotes consistency and continuous improvement, and can help organisations gain external finance, qualify for tenders and sets them apart from their competitors. Other benefits of achieving ISO certification could be - Customer Satisfaction, Process Improvement, Product Improvement, Pre-Qualification and Requests for Quotation, Operational Efficiency, Internal Auditing, Risk Management, Training and Competence and brand and Reputation.